Use "trajectory|trajectories" in a sentence

1. It took about 750 calculations to compute a single trajectory and each table had about 3,000 trajectories.

2. Trajectory altered.

3. Orbit trajectory, clear.

4. Slight upward trajectory.

5. And that tells us something about these trajectories.

6. Trajectory indicates blunt force.

7. Trajectory, where is he?

8. The gait of a biped robot climbing stairs consists of foot trajectory and hip trajectory.

9. 30 update on the Asteroid's trajectory,

10. Awoken Guard: Conform to my trajectory

11. T is tangent to the trajectory.

12. The missile deflected from its trajectory.

13. Strongly Asymptoting trajectories over time ([24], Figure 1A–1F, Figure S1)

14. The trajectories correspond to the five highest concentrations. Figure II-16:

15. Anthogenous Forward along a trajectory of your menu

16. So these are circular trajectories, where the robot pulls about two G's.

17. The trajectory tells us a great deal.

18. So this trajectory is no accident, then.

19. Trajectory of energy consumption in the EU

20. Now, angle the trajectory facing the Turks.

21. Medical device trajectory and insertion point determination

22. And you can predict the new trajectory.

23. Horizontal en route flight efficiency of the actual trajectory

24. And judging by these trajectories, both were fired from an unusually low angle.

25. Let's see what happens when we look at all these random trajectories together.

26. For example, at a point along a trajectory.

27. Is the trajectory of change positive or negative?

28. Trajectory guide, access port, and fiducial marker alignment

29. Trajectory, what's our status on the orbit window?

30. Another thesis, by John Hobby, further explores this problem of digitizing "brush trajectories".

31. The state intervened actively to shape the growth trajectory.

32. The trajectory correction projectile model using impulse was established.

33. My career seemed to be on a downward trajectory.

34. You miscalculated your trajectory relative to the incoming asteroid.

35. Our economic ties continue to follow an upward trajectory.

36. Judging by the bullet's trajectory, the shooter was here

37. The 3D tracking module selects trajectories from the 2D tracking modules to generate 3D tracking hypotheses.

38. Method and device for the prediction and adaptation of movement trajectories of motor vehicles

39. He observed two glowing patches on the plate, which suggested two different deflection trajectories.

40. It is a wild zigzag trajectory Catapulted out of furious …

41. We're allowed only 10 days, or we lose our trajectory.

42. Yuri will burn up, if you don't change his trajectory.

43. Space debris vertical trajectory has been adjusted by 32 degrees.

44. Average horizontal en route flight efficiency of the actual trajectory

45. let's call it T, that is tangent to the trajectory.

46. Those annual increases shall be achieved by means of a linear trajectory.

47. A method based on quadratic performance index is proposed to plan self-motion trajectories of planar redundant manipulators.

48. The subsequent motion of the proton is following a Cycloid trajectory

49. I'm going to try some readjustments to change the beam trajectory.

50. And this looks like the normal trajectory of a famous person.

51. You can change the angle and very trajectory of the projectile.

52. The firing data of projectile were computed by external trajectory procedure.

53. This means that they should be the source of expertise and guidance over the likely trajectories of emissions.

54. Saturn's gravity was used to direct the spacecraft's trajectory towards Uranus.

55. Into it a programmer feeds a mathematical trajectory, or reference path.

56. Amphibolite facies is usually a product of Barrovian Facies Sequence or advanced Abukuma Facies Sequence metamorphic trajectories

57. Our trajectory of high level growth will need to be sustained.

58. So, this is the trajectory along which the relationship is developing.

59. And so, the cycloid is the trajectory of this moving point.

60. So the robot is obviously capable of executing any curve trajectory.

61. Furthermore, the detailed picture is much more complicated than the trajectory might suggest.

62. C2520 Constant absolute vorticity trajectory - CAVT Trajectory of an element of air moving horizontally in such a way that the vertical component of its absolute vorticity remains constant.

63. In the 16-18th centuries in the trajectories of Bashkirs and Tatars, we observe the bottlenecks of …

64. However, some of the trajectories move directly to products without forming the complex, a non-RRKM result.

65. A first stage of acceleration places the paired bodies (46) in helical trajectories about a toroidal space.

66. Second, it allows fiscal authorities to monitor in almost real time any deviation from agreed fiscal trajectories.

67. The Government is now claiming that inflation is on a downward trajectory.

68. The cells are individually adjusted to control the mean diameters, lengths and trajectories of the fibers they produce.

69. They will remain well below the trajectory earlier projected for several years.

70. Trajectory calculations could therefore have been done with greater speed and accuracy.

71. Morph Conformations creates a trajectory that morphs between two or more structures

72. I can also provide you the tone and trajectory of the discussions.

73. In last seven decades, our friendship has consistently seen an upward trajectory.

74. Here you see in white the trajectory, and the way this works.

75. A rapid iteration algorithm adapting to ballistic missile trajectory design is presented.

76. Specifically, the tool includes software packages implementing advanced weather radar post-processor (AWRP) and QAI algorithms for green aircraft trajectories.

77. Since then, the trajectory of our all round bilateral ties has shown growing intensity.

78. Bulgarian companies can take advantage of the high growth trajectory of the Indian economy.

79. Momentum investors can find stocks on an upward trajectory via dots to the right.

80. The postwar family stories suggest that the family has continued in the same trajectory.